How To Create Flat Lays In Canva: The Entrepreneur Kit

Have you ever wished you could easily use a scene creator mock up kit for flat lays in Canva? Most of them are created for photo shop with online editors as an afterthought.  

So I wanted to make things easier for you in creating flat lay designs for your business.  My Canva Entrepreneur Kit is a desktop, flat lay creator made just for the Canva user—you!

Flat Lays In Canva

The Canva Entrepreneur Kit helps you save time and create flat lay graphics with ease. The templates are easily customizable to match your brand colors and fonts.

The Canva Entrepreneur Kit helps save time and creates flat lay graphics with ease. #katedanielleClick To Tweet

Everything in the templates is also movable. You can create unique designs with the desk items kit that includes over 35 elements you can simply drag and drop.

Here’s a quick video all about it!

A lot of flat lays you can use are beautiful, but you have no option to adjust them to your exact needs.

My Canva Entrepreneur Kit

I’ve created a bunch of templates for you that you can adjust.  Some great little features are:

  • all high resolution
  • PNGs with transparent backgrounds
  • 35+ elements in each kit
  • limitless designs you can customize
  • tablet and screen mock ups you can adjust to your liking
  • design templates that you prefer


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