Grab 6 Free
Printable Canva Templates
with resell rights
Quickly Create Planners & Other Printable Products!
Let’s face it design can be fun but it can take up too much of your time. Don’t go down the design rabbit hole! Templates streamline your design process and move you through your to-do list faster!

Easily Edit the templates to
create multiple Products
My templates will help you streamline creating AMAZING printables. This means freeing up valuable time so you get more done while having more time freedom for yourself and your family.
Plus, you’ll get your products to market fast, growing your list and earning passive income!
You can use these templates to:
- Create Printable Products to Sell
- Grow your list by creating a freebies
- Create Bonuses for your Current Offers
- Design PDF’s and Printables for Your Clients
- Start an Etsy Shop or Sell from your Website
Subscribe to my email list and get 6 commercial use Templates.
Look Like you
Hired a Designer
With templates by a graphic designer
Hey There! I’m Kate Danielle, Graphic Designer and Canva Champion Canvassador. I designed these sample templates with you in mind so you don’t get blank screen overwhelm.
You will be able to create printable products done faster than ever before!