7 Tips for a Productive Workspace | Guest Post


As a Creative Mom Entrepreneurs, who work from home, we are surrounded with “distractions”. (and no I am not talking about our kids…lol) Our distractions are oftentimes things we need to do but not during work time such as cooking and cleaning. Working from home it can be hard to remove ourselves from those task and get focused on work task. I find having a dedicated workspace helps me focus and be productive. I also love to surround myself with things I love and things that help me visualize my goals.

In this post Kayla Goldstein, a certified architect and experienced interior designer shares her tips for decorating your at home office or workspace.

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Tips Your Couch Won’t Tell You

  So… you started a business. You are super excited, you have the next three months planned out, you’re growing and psyched for this new life. Or maybe you have a business that is already quite big, maybe you already know how awesome you are and the huge impact you can make. Heck, maybe you even found the inner superstar of YOU. Whatever the case may be- you use a workspace. And for most of us (let’s be honest) that workspace is our couch. But what if I were to tell you that just by changing up your work space your actual work value can explode? Well, I am doing just that. I am an interior designer, and I know how much the space around us influences our brain space. So I am writing this to every single awesome persona out there who wants to bring out the best brain space they have – by changing up their work space.


Home offices are tricky. We want them to be focused, driven, and motivated. Getting work done and all that jazz. We also want them to be comfy, happy and matchy-matchy to our home. So where is the line? Read on my friend, read on.


First off, location, location, location.

The “office” should be in a quiet, set off area. Away from the TV, the snack cabinet, and the kids. We want to be comfortable but not to the point where we forget why we are there. Make sure the area is near a window with natural light since we spend hours and hours in here and don’t want to be depressed – I mean that is why we started our own business in the first place. Lastly, when choosing the space- make sure there is some stretch room- a little walking path so to speak- so you are not cramped into your little corner all day.


  Your Personal Work Needs

Before buying the furniture for this new and improved office of yours, think about how you work. Do you sit with your back straight typing non stop? Do you have project boards on the wall you need to keep studying? Do you use up a ton of space and have a craft table? Think about your personal work and the way you do it and then buy furniture to fit those needs. So, if you need lots of space and zero to no clutter- don’t buy huge surfaced furniture. If you have a ton of THINGS and they are all important- get a lot of storage. Make this optimal to you and how you work so that it becomes the best place for your brain to be.



One more note on the furniture, buy an awesome chair. Besides for the fact that you will be sitting in it for the majority of the work day, it is also what you will see first thing every morning. When you walk into that area you are headed to the chair- so your eyes will automatically be looking for it. We want the find to be a happy find that will put your emotions in a positive vibe. Before you look at the desk and see the long to-do list.


Decorating the Office

Now, the decor. People like to go to the psychological aspect on this and pick the color that increases focus, or cheerfulness, or whatever mood they are looking for. However, be careful with this as it can go wrong. For example, lets say you want a really focused and intelligent room. Great. Now the room palette is blue. But what if you hate blue? What if blue makes you cringe? You aren’t going to feel focused, you are going to feel cringed. So before picking a color based on science (I know, backwards) pick a color based on you. What color makes you happy? motivated? creative?  Awesome, run with it.


The all Important Layout

Another important detail to think about is the layout of the room. When positioning your desk, make sure you are facing something inspiring and awakening. Don’t go placing yourself staring at an ugly wall so that by the end of the day you want to smash it in. And if there is no choice and you have to face the wall- put a really inspiring message on that wall or a gorgeous piece of art to wake it up.

Making It Personal

Now, make it your own. Bring in the accessories that get your mind flowing. Little items that remind you why you are here in the first place. It can be a picture of your dream house, art projects from your kids, or a letter from your mom. Whatever it is that keeps you going when the going gets tough, it should be in your line of vision.

Keep Your Head Up

And one last thing, look up not down. Try to focus the decor of the room on a upward direction. Placing everything on the floor without using height will draw the eyes down to the decor below, which does not help the brain be its best. Hang art, cool lighting, tall storage- whatever you need to bring those eyes upward and the brain working at its optimum level.


I really hope these little tips help you create the best space for you to work in. Being an entrepreneur is hard, especially when you are just starting out. I wish you the absolute best of luck my friend.

About Kayla: http://kaylallc.com/

Kayla Goldstein is a certified architect and experienced interior designer. Designing homes and small stores since she was a child, and professionally since age 19, nothing gets Kayla’s heart racing more than finding the perfect accent piece for a room to completely transform its aura. In addition to running her business, Kayla is a devoted wife and mother. Her passion is to realize other peoples’ dreams and she is blessed to do it every day. Have Kayla design your home and make your dreams come true!


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