Review of Flodesk: Is it Worth the Switch?

Flodesk Review: Is FloDesk worth the Switch?

Have you been wondering about FloDesk… the pretty newcomer in the email marketing world?

Well keep reading (or watch the video below) because I am dropping all the details, the Pros and the Cons of FloDesk.

Before I dig into the backend of FloDesk and what I like (and dislike) about it let me tell you why I even switched in the first place… 

I was using ConvertKit (which I still believe is a wonderful tool) but when I switched I was doing really well at growing my email list but not actually utilizing it to its fullest potential …. so my cost was going up up up and I wasn’t actually seeing much return on investment.

When FloDesk emerged with its beautiful email capabilities and one flat rate while it’s in beta I decided to make the switch.

As a graphic designer, I wanted to create beautiful emails, and 10x my list all for just $20 per month!

Yes at the time of this post, you can still lock-in that rate with my affiliate link. It is key to use an affiliate link to get that rate which is 50% off.


When you sign up through my link  you get one free month to try it out. It was during my trial that I decided Flodesk was right for me. Plus I love being with a growing company that is actively listening to their customers.

So now I’ve been using Flodesk for almost 2 years. But of course, with Flodesk being new there are some drawbacks including there are not many integrations with outside tools like other email platforms have. It is also  missing some key analytics that I had before.

However, for me, the positives far outweigh the negatives so let’s take a look at what I love.

Flodesk Review Pros:


Beautiful Emails:

FloDesk comes with tons of beautiful email templates or you can create your own from scratch There is no coding at all! You can set up forms from a variety of styles. I use the inline form the most.


Flodesk Email Layouts


Workflows is one of the most important features I use. Basically you can set up a trigger and a sequence of emails to go out to subscribers. I use workflows to create my email funnels and welcome sequences. 

Segments (aka Tags):

You can Segment your list (this is often referred to as tags in other platforms). I segment based on what opt-in is claimed, products purchased, and based on sequences I want to send people to.


Now that we’ve explored the main sections of Flodesk let’s look at the analytics.

There is some great analytics on a per email level. You can really dive deep here.

The only thing that I wish for  is a more broad view of my entire list but since Flodesk is still in beta I am sure more updates are to come in this area.

Flodesk email analytics

Flodesk Review: Updates

Speaking of updates, I have seen some really good ones happen since I’ve been using  FloDesk…

  • Updated analytics
  • The ability to easily link right to a video and pull in the thumbnail.
  • New Layouts
  • The ability to resend to unopens (which was widely requested in the facebook group)

Flodesk Facebook Group

It is a wonderful place to get advice ask questions and trouble shoot but one thing I want to mention is in a group like this people often come to post a question about an issue they’ve ran into… which can sometimes appear that there are nothing but issues…

but keep in mind, very rarely do people take time to post “it’s all working great.”  In my experience the team at Flodesk is super quick to help out.

Even though there are still some features that I would like to see added eventually I LOVE Flodesk I think it is pretty easy to get started.

If you have any questions about Flodesk or Email Marketing post them in the comments below.

Review of Flodesk 2021, Recap

What I love about Flodesk

You can create very pretty emails, grow a massive email list and create funnels for one very affordable price. I also love that the company is very in touch with thier customers. 

Really Only 2 things I Dislike

Flodesk dosn’t intergrate with outside tools but I use Zapier to overcome this issue. Also, I would love to see a broader view of my analytics including how my list grows. I do believe this is something that will be added eventually. 

Try it for 1 Month Free

You can try flodesk out and see if it will be a good fit for you. Use my link to start your trail and if you continue on you will lock in a great rate. 

Post contain affliate links. 

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