Grab 10 Free
Canva Templates
We need to know about your latest offer or blog post!
Promo your business in style with these 10 Canva Templates. You get 5 square graphics perfect for Facebook and Instagram and 5 graphics sized for Pinterest.

Look Great Online +
Get back to what you love
My templates will help you streamline creating AMAZING graphics. This means freeing up valuable time so you get more done while having more time freedom for yourself and your family.
I mean, flexibility and freedom are probably some of the reasons you started an online business, right!
So grab these templates and stop spending too much time on your graphics.
Look Like you
Hired a Designer
With templates by a graphic designer
Hey There! I’m Kate Danielle, Graphic Designer and Canva Certified Creative. I designed these sample templates with you in mind. They feature custom paint strokes and can be branded with any colors and fonts.
With these templates your designs will pop and stand out in any social media feed!