My Top 5 Tools For My Passive Income Business

So here are my top five kinds of tools that I use for my passive income business. With all of the options out there of tools to run your business with, it can be overwhelming!  It’s great to start with some recommendations to see what you like.

My Top 5 Tools For My Passive Income Business

Okay, okay … I’m gonna list out more than five. But I didn’t want you to get overwhelmed. And I promise you won’t when you just check them out one at a time.

These tools all work great together. You certainly don’t have to use all of them. But here’s what I love to use everyday!

Website Management Tool

I host my website on WordPress.  Now there are free and paid versions of WordPress.  I use the self-hosted paid version from The theme I use is Divi, it is easy to customize.

There are many website platform options out there, but WordPress is truly the best.  You can get started with a website that you own completely, easy to setup, and is professional.

Email List Tools

I use ConvertKit for my email list subscribers.  I really like the options and how easy it is to use. But if you’re looking for a free email provider, you can go with MailChimp.  I used MailChimp at first.

Design Tools

For making all of those beautiful graphics, I use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.  They’re a bit more advanced and take some investment.

But for beginners or even graphic designers that love simple tools, go with Canva.  You can checkout a lot of my free tutorials on Canva right here!

Favorite Marketplaces

If you have products that you sell, whether hand made or digital, it’s much easier to use a platform with an already established audience.  I use Etsy and Creative Market for selling a lot of my products.

Cloud Based Tools

When you have documents and files that you need to access from anywhere, it’s super convenient to have apps and services that sync across all of your devices. So browser and cloud based tools are fantastic for this and you’ll never to have to worry about forgetting to transfer a file from one device to another.

I use Trello for scheduling and organization workflows.  I keep files, images, and documents across DropBox and GoogleDocs.  All of these tools have free and paid versions, but I’ve only ever used the free versions and they work very well!

BONUS Tool:  Community

It’s amazing how we can have friends and communities online to help support us with anything that we need. That’s why I want to invite you to my free Think Like A Boss & Play Like A Mom Facebook group.

We all have commons goals and desires to build our businesses and I love how much sharing and support is given there.  Come join us and find your biz besties!

What is your favorite tool to run your online business?

My Top 5 Tools For My Passive Income Business


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