You need to start building your email list like yesterday!

OK OK I know that’s a little dramatic and you have probably 1 million things on your to-do list but I hear way too often that people put off starting their email list and  it should be high on your priority list.

Growing your email list is very important for the long term of your business and you will see greater return on your investment.

If you are thinking I am already stretched too thin in my business I cannot take on one more thing then I would let something go and make growing a list a priority. For example, if you are trying to show up on multiple platforms I would pick a main one maybe two and put the rest on the back burner. Chances are you are not getting much return and growth on all platforms and a great email list will be far more worth your time investment.

Here’s the deal, I never want to add stress to your day but I spent way too long not focusing on the right things so I want to help you use your time wisely.

So why an email list?  Isn’t email dead?…. NOPE


Email Markeing is not Dead

Let me just give you an example…

When you are shopping online at your favorite clothing store have you ever seen a discount be offered in exchange for your email?  Then maybe you make a purchase or not but now you are on the list and that store will email you with enticing offers. They know email works so they build a list that their best customers will stay on because those customers want to know when the next sale is or what’s new in the store. I know these emails get back in my favorite online shops all the time! 

Why not just use Social Media? 

Of course, social media is a great place to connect with your audience and connect with new people but actually getting your post seen and getting engagement can be a huge challenge. I get a far better return for my time and make more money with my email list because more people open my emails than see my post. 

Yes, social media will play a part in growing your list but it is far easier to convert traffic or sales from my email list than a social media audience. 

Flodesk email analytics

Email Markeing Data

Another great thing about email is you get really great data. 

Every email service provider is a bit different but they all have some standard data such as your open-rate, click rate and I can actually see who is opening my emails, who is clicking and what they clicked on. Normally I don’t need to dig in that far but if in the future if I wanted to make a really really targeted segment in my email or advertise to those people I can. Because I own my list.

You Own Your Email List

You can download your email list,  you can move it to another email service provider if for whatever reason you don’t like the one you started with and you don’t have to overcome sudden algorithm changes. 

You do not own your following on any social media platform so even though you should still be active on your chosen social media outlet it is also important to be directing your following to your list that you own.

Start Email Marketing Today

Okay so If I’ve convinced you, let’s chat about the actions steps you need to take today. 

Step 1: Get an Email Service Provider

If you do not have any kind of email list going you will need an email marketing platform.

I use Flodesk, you can get started with a  30 day free trail with my link below, and (at the time of this post) you can lock in a great rate of 50% with my affiliate link. Flodesk is still new and in Beta but I have been using it for almost 2 years now and I have a post talking about all it.

Step 2: Create a Freebie

The second thing you will need is some kind of opt-in offer.  It can be an exclusive one-time-use discount code or a freebie like templates, a PDF of some kind… There are so many options and I actually have a guide with over 60 PDF type ideas to help you brainstorm.

I have a variety of freebies from templates, the free guide, and free trainings but I would suggest you get started by focusing on one freebie for now.

Look at your most popular piece of content and think about what you will sell to your list. Because with the end goal in mind you can pick a freebie that will naturally lead your audience towards a purchase. For example, I have Template sets for Canva so my freebie that warms people up to that is a sample set of a few templates.

Step: 3 Create a Sign up Form

After you have your email platform setup and your opt-in offer ready to go you need to create the opt-in form.

There are a few ways you can do this. In your email platform there are generally options to create a form you embed on your site or you can make a full page type form. I go with the embed option because I will create a main landing page for my opt-in but also place that form on any blog post that is fitting.


Step 4: Set up Delivery

The last piece to this puzzle is to set up the delivery of your offer. This could be a bit different depending on which platform you use but you will want an email to trigger that sends them what you offered.

Step 5: Promote Your Freebie

Once it is all set up, test it out and start promoting your new freebie on your site and social media platforms.


Flodesk Email Layouts


Okay, let’s take a breath.

I know you may have questions like…

What am I going to send to my list after I start building it or you may have tech questions. Post any questions in the comments below. 

Remember if you need help brainstorming an optin offer check out my free guide.

Email Marketing for Beginners Recap

Greater Return on Investment

With my email list I get better results for my time when I use email markting over social media markting. Social media still plays a part in my business but my list is where I get results. 

You Will Need a Good Freebie

Create a greate freebie that naturally connects with what you will sell to your list later on. If you need help brainstorming optin ideas check out my free guide

Get a Simple Email Marketing Platform

You can try flodesk out and see if it will be a good fit for you. Use my link to start your trail and if you continue on you will lock in a great rate.

Post contain affliate links. 

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